Art Articles Profile

Daria Vinarskaya: naked body and human vulnerability

Daria Vinarskaya

Daria explores human vulnerability through naked bodies. Her artistic style defined by her polyamorous and feminist identity.

Artist challenges the status quo, when image of naked woman body is exploited to portray human vulnerability. Capturing manly nudity in every­day routine, she peeks behind the gender stigmas, shifting perception of sensuality from femininity to masculinity. Exposing delicate inner worlds full of emotions, worries and insecurity, she nudges us towards understanding that in the end, human vulnerability doesn’t have a gender.

Daria Vinarskaya, Fall of the chair, canvas, acrylic, watercolor pencils, 120x100 cm

Daria Vinarskaya, Fall of the chair, canvas, acrylic, watercolor pencils, 120×100 cm

“My art comes from the ideas of feminism, which I support. I am trying to rethink male nudity and give men the right to sensuality. I work in the style of modern expressionism, and I explore human emotionality through naked bodies.
By shooting male nudity, I look beyond gender stigmas, changing the perception of sensuality from femininity to masculinity. I’m trying to push the viewer to understand that human vulnerability has no gender”, Daria says.

Daria Vinarskaya, Pot holder, canvas, acrylic, watercolor pencils, 100x80 cm

Daria Vinarskaya, Pot holder, canvas, acrylic, watercolor pencils, 100×80 cm

When we think of the nude in painting, we always think of the female nude. Nude women make up the vast majority of nude models. If we see a naked man, then most likely we see him paired with a woman, with rare exceptions.

Daria Vinarskaya, SM Pose 4 WC, paper, watercolor, watercolor pencils, 210 x 297 mm

Daria Vinarskaya, SM Pose 4 WC, paper, watercolor, watercolor pencils, 210 x 297 mm

This state of affairs is a consequence of the patriarchal nature of our society. The cus­tomer of art has always been white cisgender men, and the woman has always been objective. Behind this state of affairs lies the problem of male emotionality. Shedding is a vulner­ability not available to a man in a patriarchal society. Fragility, vulnerability and emo­tionality – this is what a man is deprived of by definition.

Daria Vinarskaya, Pot stand 1, paper, watercolor, watercolor pencils, 210 x 297 mm

Daria Vinarskaya, Pot stand 1, paper, watercolor, watercolor pencils, 210 x 297 mm

Expressive, naked, muscular figures are flattened on the surface of the image, showing the viewer the fragility and clumsiness of the form, which, by definition, must be strong and confident.

Daria Vinarskaya, Sleep, paper, watercolor, watercolor pencils, 210 x 297 mm

Daria Vinarskaya, Sleep, paper, watercolor, watercolor pencils, 210 x 297 mm

Artist skillfully unfolds and reveals that side of the prevailing stereotypes, which has not yet been overcome. Even if by its nature the male body is endowed with certain qualities, but it is the social wrapper created over the centuries that lays irresistible images of male and female in our perception. Daria mixes, intertangles, twists and reveals through her paintings not only the fragility of the male vessel, but thereby directs the course of thought towards a rethinking of the female image, the female body and the female avatar.

Daria Vinarskaya is a contemporary impressionist artist. Born in Yekaterinburg,  Russia in 1989. In 2013 she graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute, during her studies she exhibited at the Les Gallery (Moscow, Russia). Since 2016, she has also been an Israeli citizen. Before the start of the war with Ukraine (February 24, 2022), she worked as an architect in her own studio “STEH” (2020-2022) in the private seg­ment of architecture and interior design. In early March 2022, she left Rus­sia and began her career as an artist.

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